Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts to Transform your Body and Fitness
These Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts will help you shed weight and build better all-round fitness.
Burning Fat
When it comes to burning fat, you need to make sure that you are eating in a healthy and sustainable way.
In order to lose weight, you must operate in a caloric deficit (or hypocaloric state).
That means that you consume LESS calories that you expend.
For example, say you use 2,900 calories in a given day in total. This includes all the energy you need to function (BMR – Basic Metabolic Rate); plus, any calories you expend whilst exercising.
In the same day you consume a total of 2,500 calories.
2,900 – 2,500 = a caloric deficit of 400 calories. You are functioning in a caloric deficit.
There are many factors that can influence this, such as hormonal levels, so it is always advisable to consult a qualified nutritionist to find the best way for you to achieve this.
The following workouts will ramp up the number of calories that you use up, and therefore make it easier to find that caloric deficit level if you want to lose weight.
Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts
Each one will test you in a different way in order to leave no stone unturned.
Scroll through and choose your next workout.
Workout 1
3 Rounds for Time
- 500-metre Row
- 400-metre Run
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
Score is total time (including rest) it takes to complete all three rounds.
Strategy: Speed on both the row and the run are important, but since the row comes first, a good starting place for athletes is to row right around their 2k row pace per 500 metres.
If they are comfortable running quickly under fatigue, aim to go a few seconds faster than that pace. Whenever we row in a workout, we have to take into account the difference a few seconds makes in the grand scheme of what other movements are included.
For example, rowing at a 1:35 pace vs. a 1:40 pace per 500 only results in a 5 second difference, but is quite a bit more difficult in the effort it takes to complete.
With the run to follow, we want to make sure we balance out these two movements. If going 5 seconds slower on the row means they can go 10 seconds faster on their run, they will have a better overall time.
Both movements are meant to be fast each round, especially with the rest included, but finding this balance will results in the best possible scores for individuals.
Workout 2
For Time
- 20 Back Squats (225/155 lb)
- 50-metre Prowler Sprint (180/130 lb)
- 20 Deadlifts (315/225 lb)
- 50-metre Prowler Sprint (180/130 lb)
- 20 Shoulder Presses (135/95 lb)
- 50-metre Prowler Sprint (180/130 lb)
Use three barbells for the back squats, deadlifts, and shoulder (strict) presses. Athlete may take the back squats and presses from a rack.
Workout 3 – Durante Core
5 Rounds for Time
- 10 Hollow Rocks
- 10 V-Ups
- 10 Tuck Ups
- 10 second Hollow Hold
- 1 minute Rest
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written. Rest one minute after each round.
Score is the total time it takes to complete all 5 rounds including each rest period.
Tips and Strategy
Due to the built-in rest in “Durante Core,” go as fast and as unbroken as possible during each of the 4 movements.
You only reap the rewards of “Durant Core” if you perform the movements with virtuosity and execute these common movements uncommonly well, so prioritize good form over a good time.
Intended Stimulus
“Durante Core” should feel very muscularly fatiguing.
Your core should be on fire within the first 2 rounds. This is a true interval WOD: attack the movements when you’re working, and enjoy the rest when it comes.
This workout is perfect as a standalone WOD, or as a way to finish a cardio-based workout like “Griff” or “Boat Race.”
Scaling Options
The movements in “Durante Core” aren’t particularly high skill, but they do require significant core strength to complete. Scale the movements so you can perform them as unbroken as possible, as safely as possible.
5 Rounds
- 10 Supported Hollow Rocks (hands hold at hamstrings)
- 10 Modified V-Ups (bend knees as much as needed)
- 10 Tuck Ups
- 10 second Supported Hollow Hold (hands hold at hamstrings)
- 1 minute Rest
Choose a functional fitness chipper workout
Workout 4
For Time
- 31 Push Presses (75/55 lb)
- 31 Pull-Ups
- 31 Sit-Ups
- 31 Toes-to-Bars
- 31 Push-Ups
- 31 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
- 31 Back Squats (75/55 lb)
- 31 Unbroken Double-Unders
- 31 Thrusters (75/55 lb)
- 31 Lunges
- 31 Burpees
Then, 365-metre Row
With a running clock, perform 31 repetitions of the 12 movements in the order written. After 31 reps of all 12 movements, move immediately to the 365-metre Row to “cash out” and finish the workout.
For the Unbroken Double-Unders, if the athlete trips before completing 31, they must start the Double-Unders over.
Score is the time on the clock when the Row is completed.
Tips and Strategy
The variety of movements should allow you to move quickly.
The workout takes 20-35 minutes for intermediate athletes but you shouldn’t experience major muscle fatigue in this WOD, so go for big sets and little rest. After the Back Squats, take a 15-second pause, breathe deeply, and mentally prepare to go unbroken in the Double-Unders. And when the time comes for the 365-metre Row, go all out.
Intended Stimulus
The workout is meant to feel light and fast. You should be able to perform large (and in some cases unbroken) sets of all movements. If 31 Unbroken Double-Unders seem daunting to you, remove the “Unbroken” prescription so you don’t get stuck tripping over your rope.
Post-WOD, you should feel energized and accomplished, ready to take on anything!
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Movement Standards
Unbroken Double-Unders: As with standard Double-Unders, the jump rope must pass under your feet two times with every jump. But Unbroken means that you must complete all 31 repetitions in a row (no tripping, stopping, resting, etc.), otherwise you must start back at rep 1.
Scaling Options
While many of the movements are doable for most athletes, there are some gymnastics movements that might need to be scaled in order to keep a fast pace.
And if you can’t complete the barbell movements (Push-Presses, Snatches, Back Squats, and Thrusters) in a few big sets, lower the weight.
For Time:
- 31 Push Presses (45/35 lb)
- 31 Ring Rows
- 31 Sit-Ups
- 31 Hanging Knee Raises
- 31 Incline Push-Ups
- 31 Box Jumps (20/12″)
- 31 Back Squats (45/35 lb)
- 31 Unbroken Single-Unders
- 31 Thrusters (45/35 lb)
- 31 Lunges
- 31 Burpees
Then, 365-metre Row
Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts 5 – Christine
3 Rounds for Time
- 500-metre Row
- 12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
- 21 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written for 3 rounds.
Score is the time on the clock when the last round of Box Jumps is completed.
Good Score for “Christine”
– Beginner: 15-20 minutes
– Intermediate: 12-14 minutes
– Advanced: 9-11 minutes
– Elite: <8 minutes
Tips and Strategy
This is a hamstring-intensive WOD, so be sure to prime your lower body for the movements. Warm-up exercises like Downward Dog, Inchworms, and Cossack Squats are perfect for a workout like “Christine.”
On the Box Jumps, take a few seconds to shake out your legs/get focussed prior to each set. Your legs will be wobbly and fatigued. Missing the jump and hitting your shins on the box is never fun.
Intended Stimulus
Overall, “Christine” should feel challenging and fun.
The Deadlift weight should feel moderate—not too heavy, not too light.
The box height should feel very manageable. The most difficult/exhausting part of this WOD will be the Row. By the 3rd round of rowing, your legs/lungs should be burning. But no big deal—it’s almost over by then!
Scaling Options
The volume in “Christine” is doable for most athletes.
Instead of reducing reps or metres, scale the Box height and/or Deadlift load as needed so you can get these two movements done in one or two sets. Unbroken Deadlifts should be the goal.
3 Rounds for Time
- 500 metre Row
- 12 Deadlifts (1/2 Bodyweight)
- 21 Box Jumps (20/12 in)
Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts 6
For Time
- 1 mile Run
- 75 Hand Release Push-Ups
- 75 Air Squats
- 1 mile Run
- 75 Sit-Ups
- 75 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
Wear a ruck or a weighted vest (20/15 lb)
Workout 7
5 Rounds for Time
- 22 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)
- 22 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
- 400 metre Run
- 22 Burpees
- 22 Wall Ball Shots (10/9 ft, 20/14 lb)
Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts 8
For Time
- 100 calorie Row
- 100 calorie Ski Erg
- 100 calorie Assault Air Bike
Every 2 minutes, perform:
- 7 Burpees
Perform the 7 burpees at the two-minute mark, and every two minutes after that (but not at the start of the workout).
Workout 9
20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Reps for Time of:
- Burpees
- American Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Workout 10
10 Rounds for Time
- 200 metre Farmers Carry (55/35 lb)
- 10 Weighted Pull-Ups (35/25 lb)
- 20 Dumbbell Power Snatches (55/35 lb), alternating
Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts
If you enjoyed these Fat Burning Conditioning Workouts then check out these HIIT Workouts for Abs and Core.
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